FIDE igen på kollisionskurs
Dansk Skak Union valgte at trække sin protest mod FIDE med henvisning til kompromiset af 25. marts mellem FIDE og de utilfredse medlemslande.
Men FIDE synes ikke indstillet på at efterleve kompromisets forudsætninger, hvilket nedkaldte følgende protest over beslutninger såvel som ledelsesstil.--------------
To FIDE Secretariat
Attn Mr. K. Ilyumzhinov – President of FIDE
PO Box 166
1000 Lausanne 4
ZwitserlandMay 15, 2001
Dear Mr. President,
In Cannes we talked about the issue of time control in a spirit of compromise. It was decided that the new time control proposed by the FIDE-board should be limited to the world championship and the zonal and continental championships that are part of the WC-cycle.
The use of this new time control in other FIDE-events (youth championships and the Olympiad for example) should be discussed at the next FIDE-congress.
The new time control shall stay recommendatory and not mandatory to private tournaments and national championships.
In a letter send to us 14 May 2001, Mr. Omuku announces, to my surprise, that the new time control will be used at this year’s World Juniors and Girls Championships in Athens. This is in controversy to the decisions taken in Cannes. Besides the fact that the arguments used by FIDE in favour of this new time control don’t apply to youth events, we now have the strange situation that different time controls are used in the European and World Youth Championships.
I strongly oppose to this unilateral decision. If we have reached an agreement we all should stick to it, otherwise we can better stop talking at all. I expect you to respect the agreement of Cannes and ask you to confirm this by letter.
Yours sincerely,
Herman Hamers,
Og Skrivelsen fra Dansk Skak Union til FIDE:
Fédération Internationale des Échecs
Avenue de Beaumont 9
CH-1012 Lausanne
Time controlsIn earlier correspondence, the Danish Chess Federation formally objected to the undemocratic implementation of new time controls at official tournaments. The Danish Chess Federation maintains the opinion that the Presidential Board did not act in compliance with FIDE's statutes and the decision to change the official time controls should be revoked, in order for a correct procedure to be carried out.
However, The Danish Chess Federation would hereby like to notify FIDE that a decision was reached at its executive committee and delegate meetings not to pursue the protest further. This decision is motivated by the compromise arrived at between the FIDE Presidential Board and the Chess Federations of Holland, Germany, France, and England at the Presidential Board meeting in Cannes March 24-25th, as well as the costs and time involved in initiating legal proceedings.
Sincerely,Ole Block
Danish Chess Federation
President Ole Block
Mere om FIDE's ny betænkningstid:
Svar fra 14. og 15. VM & Co.
Fælles protest fra tre VM'ere (20.05.01)
Slaget om betænkningstiden (05.05.01)
Nordisk juniorlederprotest (02.04.01)
FIDE-kompromis om betænkningstiden
FIDE bøjer sig (28.02.01)
Dansk protest mod FIDE
Ny betænkningstid (08.02.01)
10/6-2001 - tr
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