Dansk protest mod FIDEOgså i Danmark har beslutningen i FIDE's Presidential Board 26. december 2000 om ny betænkningstid pr. 1. januar 2001 vakt organisatorisk undren. Dansk Skak Unions forretningsudvalg har diskuteret sagen, og det danske synspunkt er, at så vidtrækkende ændringer skal være baseret på en demokratisk proces i FIDE og en forudgående debat i de enkelte medlemslande. FU har derfor vedtaget følgende protest:
Fédération Internationale des Échecs
Avenue de Beaumont 9
CH-1012 Lausanne
SwitzerlandNew time control
The executive committee of the Danish Chess Federation protests against the imposing a new time control for FIDE events and international title tournaments, based on a decision taken by the Presidential Board.
Neither the extract1 of the tape recording of the meeting of the FIDE General Assembly nor the General Assembly Minutes support, that the authority of the GA in this matter was delegated to the Presidential Board.
The Danish Chess Federation points out, that such a fundamental change in the time control must be widely discussed on the national level, before a decision is made internationally. Furthermore new Chess clocks are needed, which will be an investment in excess of the annual budget of the Danish Chess Federation.
The Danish Chess Federation calls upon the Presidential Board to postpone the decision, until all national federations have made their position clear on the matter.Sincerely yours
Ole Block
President Danish Chess Federation1 Enclosure to circular letter of 31 January 2001 from executive director Emmanuel Omuku. Klik her
Sportslig voldgift
Det tyske og det hollandske forbund har 20. februar meddelt FIDE, at medmindre verdensforbundet indskrænker den ny betænkningstid til kun at gælde i FIDE's egen VM-cyklus, vil de to lande i overensstemmelse med FIDE's statutter, kap. 17, sende sagen til voldgift i Court of Arbitration for Sports.Pressemeddelelsen fra det tyske og det hollandske forbund.
Mere om den ny betænkningstid her på siden.
Protester og FIDE-svar:
FIDE-meddelsen af 26. dec. 2000
FIDE-meddelsen af 4. jan. 2001
Hollandsk protest af 8. jan. 2001
FIDE-svar af 31. jan 2001 (FIDE.PDF)
Åbent brev af 11. jan. 2001 (Hans Olav Lahlum)Links til kilder:
FIDE's debatforum
http://www.fide.com/fide/html/index.html + 'Press Releases'Fælles protest på Nettet
Alle skakspillere har mulighed for at deltage i en fælles protest via Nettet.
www.chesslines.com (+ 'Petition')------------
27/2-2001 - tr
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