Stumper 1899-69 70-79 80-84 85-89 90-91 92-93 94-95 96-97 98-99 2000-01 2002-03 04-05
Danbase - Danish Games Archive Gameviewer
English help , 23. May 2004 Danbase is an attempt to collect and save games from Danish tournaments and National team matches. The download pages are all in Danish, however this page provides some help for English readers. For a summary of recent updates/additions look at the Danish page, Danbase. Links to other archives are at the bottom of this page.
Danbase is also the name of a Danish database program marketed 1987-1996 by Danline Data System.
Events are listed by year. The page "Stumper" (fragments) lists events with only a few known games. This is the playground for chess archaeologists and detectives.
Quality is a major concern. Many gamefiles on the Internet are infested with false information: games not played in the tournament specified, mistaken names of players, wrong results etc. etc. That is why many gamefiles in Danbase are supplied with a small textfile, a certificate, with information about the tournament, source etc. that supports evaluation of credibility. So if you want to contribute to Danbase, please fill out this form - it will only take a moment of your time to provide valuable information.
The download tables are structured like this:
Most tournament names are derived from the city, club or sponsor name - others are descriptive. The following list of words should enable you to navigate.
VM World Championship DM [name] Danish Championship [City] DM kandi Danish Ch. Challengers Omkamp Playoff Landskamp National team match Mesterskab Championship København Copenhagen Københavnsmesterskab Copenhagen City Championship Jubilæum (short: Jub.) Jubilee Turnering Tournament Mindeturnering Memorial Forår Spring Sommer Summer Nytår New Year Fest(uge) Festival(week)
When you see the symbol it means that the tournament games can be viewed online with Palview. To view the games your browser version must be >= 4. Explorer users can "kibitz" the chess board - click on a piece and then on a square to move a piece. Palview will remember the original position when you resume the game. Some game pages will show a crosstable and to view a particular game you click on the game result in the table. Please wait for the page to load before you begin.
On the page Danbase Online is a list of the tournaments that can be viewed online.
There are many games archives on the net, and you'll find a comprehensive list of links at Lars Balzer's Homepage or Klaus Wrba's Schachseiten.
A few of the national archives like Danbase are:
- Argenbase - Argentina.
- MontrealBase - Canada.
- Brasilbase - Brazil.
- Britbase - UK.
- Dutchbase - Netherlands.
- Greekbase - Greece.
- Italbase - Italy.
- YuBase - Yugoslavia
- Polbase - Poland
- Czechbase - Czech.
- Suomalaisten shakkipelien tietokanta - Finland.
- Svebase - Sweden.
- OlimpBase History of the Chess Olympics
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