Skak også ny OL-disciplin!
Steffen Pedersen gør opmærksom på, at den glade nyhed om optagelsen af bridge som olympisk disciplin, er endnu gladere:
Skak er også blevet anerkendt!
I ugebrev nr. 25 fra IOC hedder det bl.a.:
"During the 109thIOC Session in Seoul, the IOC Executive Board announced the definitive recognition of:
the World Karate Federation (FMK),
the International Chess Federation (FIDE), and
the World Bridge Federation (WBF).
This brings the total number of Recognised Federations to 30, seven being provisional.
The Tug of War International Federation (TWIF) and the International WushuFederation (IWUF) received provisional recognition as International Recognised Federations."
4/7-99 - tr
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