Curt Hansen deltager i stærk GM turnering i Malmø

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GM Curt Hansen
Denmark (2595)

Curt Hansen is one of three Danish grandmasters with the same family name. He is also Denmark's strongest chess player in the last few years and he has an impressive record, with the World Junior Championship in 1984 as a high-mark. Hansen has an effective style which combines good technical skills with concentration and stamina. A certain lack of risk-taking is probably what stops him from taking that last step into the top ranks. However, in 1994 he won Sigeman Chess Tournament and finished second last year. In the recent World Cup in Groningen, Hansen lost against Igor Miladinovic despite a 1-0 lead. Now they meet again and it is all set for revenge! Hansen seldom shows poor results and with a little bit of luck, he will be up front.

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