Ivan Sokolov (2635) - Tiger Hillarp_Persson (2445) [B06]
Koge Super-GM (7)
[Tiger Hillarp-Persson]

1.d4 g6 2.e4 Lg7 3.Sc3 d6 4.Le3 a6 5.Dd2 Sd7!? 6.h4 h5 7.Sh3 b5 8.Sg5!? Normal is [8.a4 b4 9.Sd1 Tb8 10.a5] 8...Lb7 9.a4 [9.0-0-0 c6 10.e5 dxe5 11.dxe5 Lxe5 12.Sxf7 (12.Dxd7+ Dxd7 13.Txd7 Kxd7 14.Sxf7 Lxc3) 12...Kxf7 13.Dxd7 Dxd7 14.Txd7 Lc8÷] 9...c6 10.Td1!?

Black is happy to move his queen to c7 in case white tries the plan with f4,e5 because there is no fork on f7 in case the white pawn reach e6 and black answers with f5. If white instead plays ¥e2,f3 etc. then the black queen "would rather have liked" to be on e7 after ¤gf6,e7-e5 but white has on the other hand put his a-rook on d1 where I'm not sure it belongs. [10.Le2 Sgf6 11.f4 Sb6 12.b3÷] 10...Dc7 11.f4?! [›11.Le2 Sgf6 12.f4 Sb6 13.b3] 11...Sh6³ 12.Le2 Sf6 13.Lf3 Sfg4 14.0-0 d5!? Pressing the KAOS-button 15.exd5 What else? 15...Sf5 16.Lf2 Td8! [16...0-0 17.dxc6 Lxc6©] 17.dxc6 Txd4! [‹17...Lxc6? 18.axb5 axb5 19.d5 b4 20.Se2] 18.Sd5 [18.De2!? Sxf2 19.Dxf2 (19.cxb7 Sxd1 20.Sxb5 Db8÷; 19.Sxb5 Db6 20.Sxd4 Lxd4 21.Txd4 Sxd4 22.Dxf2 Sxf3+ 23.Sxf3 Dxc6÷) 19...Lxc6] 18...Dxc6 19.Da5 Dd6 20.Se4 [20.Sc7+ Kf8 21.Lxb7 Txd1-+] 20...Dxd5 21.Sf6+ Lxf6 22.Lxd5 Sxf2™ [22...Txd5 23.Dc7; 22...Lxd5 23.Lxd4 Lxd4+ 24.Txd4 Sxd4 25.Dd2] 23.Lxb7 Sxd1 24.axb5 0-0 [24...axb5!? 25.Da8+ Kd7 26.Lc6+ Kd6 27.Db7÷] 25.c3? [25.bxa6 Td7 26.a7 (26.c3? Sde3 27.a7 Txb7 28.a8D Txb2 29.Df3 Txg2+ 30.Dxg2 Sxg2 31.Kxg2 Se3+ 32.Kg1 Sxf1 33.Kxf1 Tc8-+) 26...Ld4+ 27.Kh2 Lxa7 28.Dxa7 Sde3 29.Te1 Sg4+ 30.Kg1 Sd6] 25...Sde3! 26.bxa6 [26.cxd4?? Lxd4 27.Tf2 Sg4 28.Kf1 Lxf2 29.Ke2 axb5-+] 26...Td7 Here I had only one and a half minute left for the rest of my moves, so I offered a draw....(Shame on me!)... 27.Lc6 ...but Ivan refuses... 27...Td2 28.Tb1? Loses quickly, but nothing else will do! (As far as I can see...) [28.a7 Lxh4 29.Lf3 (29.a8D Lf2+ 30.Kh2 Sxf1+ 31.Kh3 Txa8-+) 29...Sxf1 30.a8D (30.Kxf1 Lf2; 30.g3 Lxg3 31.a8D Lf2+ 32.Kh1 S1g3+ 33.Kg2 Lb6+-+) 30...Lf2+ 31.Kxf1 Sg3#] 28...Lxh4 29.Lf3 Lf2+ 30.Kh1 Sg4 31.Lxg4 hxg4 32.c4? [32.a7 Tdd8 33.Ta1 Ta8 34.De5 Txa7-+] 32...Kg7 33.De5+ f6  0-1