Åben international net-skak
For femte gang er ICC (Internet Chess Club - www.chessclub.com) vært for Internet Chess Tournament "Ciudad de Dos Hermanas".
Præmiepuljen er 6.100 EUR. Deltagelse er gratis og kræver ikke medlemskab af ICC.
Hver dag fra 6. marts og frem til 11. marts gennemføres hver dag to uafhængige schweizer-turneringer med start hhv. kl. 1:00 PM EST (kl. 07.00 dansk tid) og 8:00 PM EST (kl. 14.00 dansk tid). Partierne spilles emd 8 min. pr spiller + 2 sekunders tillægstid. Alle vindre plus 20 bedst scorende af de øvrige går videre til en konck-out finale, med start 13. marts.
Sidste pr deltog 67 stormestre, 103 IM'ere blandt i alt 1117 deltagere fra 75 lande, og tallene ventes at blive endnu større i denne femte udgave af turneringen.
Turneringen er sponsoreret af Dos Hermanas City Council, the Municipal Foundation for Sport of Dos Hermanas, EDAMI (Miguel Illescas Chess School), samt Internet Chess Club.Registrering og information: www.doshermanas.net (klik på grafikken helt til højre)
Information: www.chessclub.com/news/1747 og www.chessclub.com/help/DosHermanas... eller herunder:
Instructions For Participating in Dos Hermanas V
1. Visit http://www.doshermanas.net, click the poster graphic on the far right, then click on a link to choose your language.2. Click on the link that says "Click here to register". Follow the onscreen instructions until you get to the "ICC: Dos Hermanas Internet
Tournament 2004 Registration Form"3. If you don't have an account on ICC, click on the link that says "Register an ICC name". The "Chessclub.com Registration" page opens in a separate window. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete your ICC registration. Be sure and download and install the BlitzIn interface software as instructed.
4. Once you have registered an ICC name, return to the window with the "ICC: Dos Hermanas Internet Tournament 2004 Registration Form". Follow the onscreen instructions to complete your Dos Hermanas registration.
5. You may begin using your ICC free trial immediately. Log onto ICC using the BlitzIn interface software and enjoy ICC's many features and activities.
6. To participate in any of the twice daily Dos Hermanas qualifying tournaments from March 6th through the 14th, log on to ICC 15 minutes before the tournaments begin at 1:00 PM or 8:00 PM Eastern Time. You will be automatically assigned an opponent for your first match. It may take a few minutes for your opponent to log on. Once both you and your opponent have logged on, your first game of the tournament will begin. If your opponent does not log on you will receive a forfeit win for that round.
7. When the first round is over you need only remain online and wait. You will automatically be assigned an opponent for your next match. While you wait you may explore and enjoy ICC's many other features and activities.
If you have any questions, select the "Ask a question" option from BlitzIn's Help drop down menu. Look for your question and your answer in the console window.
We look forward to seeing you at the Dos Hermanas V Internet Chess Tournament, March 6th through the 14th on the Internet Chess Club!
7/3-2004 - tr
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