Chess Players United

Som en direkte følge af den massive utilfredshed med den økonomiske konstruktion af EM i Tyrkiet [læs mere:  1  2 ] er der nu dannet en ny organisation for skak-professionelle. I forhold til tidligere organisationer, som eksklusivt har været for topspillere, er den ny organisation, Chess Players United, også åben for andre, som professionelt er beskæftiget med skak, f.eks. skakjournalister og arrangører. Hvorvidt denne ny rummelighed bliver en styrke eller en svaghed er vanskeligt at forudsige, men foreningens formål, som kan læses på dens hjemmeside, bør ikke kunne støde nogen, heller ikke i de nationsfunderede organisationer FIDE og ECU, som Chess Players United er i født opposition til:

Dear chess friends, 
we are glad to inform you about the start of the official site of the Association of Chess Professionals. We would like to create an
effective, democratic and independent organization, which could gather professional players and also many people who work
professionally in chess: trainers, journalists, computer programmers, organizers, etc. Our main goals are: to protect
chess players rights, to improve conditions in chess tournaments, to create a good tournament calendar and tournament formats. We believe that our Association could also work in providing information and legal support to chess players, improving the rating system, attracting sponsors to chess and promoting chess in general. We hope to work together with FIDE, as well as other international and national chess bodies. We also hope that chess fans will support us. The Association Statutes are currently being worked out by a lawyer. We are planning to publish them on the site in the first half of September. 

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9/9-2003 - tr


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