VM-møde: Chen Zhu slog Ponomariov ud
1. runde i UEA FIDE Grand Prix 2. - 8. april i Dubai Chess & Culture Club bød på en vaskeægte sensation. FIDE's regerende VM for kvinder, kineseren Chen Zhu, sendte nemlig sin mandlige VM-kollega Ruslan Ponomariov, Ukraine, ud af turneringen.
Sejren lød på 1½-½, men Chen Zhu havde faktisk overtaget i begge partier.
Startfeltet rummer 32 deltagere, og netop 1. runde er brutal udskilning, hvorefter knock-out systemet modificeres, som det fremgår herunder:For the purposes of total clarification on event format the event will run as follows: The first round will be 16 x 16 knockout, the second & third rounds will be open play between the 16 players remaining. After the rest day, on 7th April, 4 players will have qualified through to the semi-final stage based on their results in the first three rounds. On this day the remaining players will compete at roughly the same time as semi-final 1 for 5th to 16th position in another room in the Dubai Chess Club. They will continue to do so the following day. After the semi-finals 2 players will go on to compete in the UAE Grand Prix Final, the losing semi-finalists will rejoin the other players playing at the same time as this Final to play for 3rd and 4th positions in another room in the Dubai Chess Club.
Eks-VM Karpov tabte 1. parti til van Wely, mens Topalov vandt.
Resultater og partier kan følges på FIDE's hjemmeside:------------
3/4-2002 - tr
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