Indbydelse: Internet-holdskak
Danske skakklubber med mod på Internet-holdskak kan komme i betragtning til nedenstående turnering ved - meget hurtigt - at maile til Dansk Skak Unions formand Ole Block:
Dear Chess Friends
Hellir Chess Club is currently organizing the European Internet Club Championship which is scheduled to be held at the
beginning of the year 2002. Hellir has been a leading force in organizing national and international competitions over the
internet. Hellir organized the first national championship played over the internet and last year we used our experience to
organize the first Nordic Internet Club Championship with participation from all the leading clubs of the Nordic countries.
This was follewed by the second Nordic Internet Championship this year.
The rules for the European Internet Club Championship are as follows:
* Every European Chess Federation can nominate 2-3 teams. Nominations must be received before 1st November 2001.
At least 2 teams from every federation are allowed to participate, but the participation of the third team depends on the
total number of teams that want to participate.
* The Championship is scheduled to be held from to January to April 2002. A final schedule will be announced at a later
* Since this is the first time that this competition will be held the proper format for the event (knock-out or groups) will be
decided depending on the number of clubs that register.
* Each team will be composed of six players. In addition, every team may use up to six reserve players. The players'
names (main team and reserves) shall be sent to the organizers before 1st November. Every team shall also nominate a
contact person to the organizers and provide information about e-mail, telephone and fax of this person.
* Information about the playing venue must accompany the registration
* The time limit will be 20 min. + 5 sec. increment per move
* Each Chess Federation shall nominate a certified arbiter to be present at their country's playing venue to avoid all
cheating. The arbiter must not be a member of the chess club. Every team can nominate a person to be present at the
opponent's playing venue when the games are played.
* Every team shall play in its home country. All team members participating in a match shall be present at the playing
venue specified in the registration while playing. The arbiter nominated in the registration must also be present from the
beginning of the match until it is completely finished. The two arbiters involved in a match must be able to communicate
without delay during the match, either by phone or through ICC. The method of communication must be agreed upon
before the match starts.* Every match shall be played on ICC (Internet Chess Club) and be well advertised!
Best regards,
on behalf of Hellir Chess Club
Gunnar Bjornsson------------
23/10-2001 - tr
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