Spillere søges
Dansk Skak Union har fået to mails af interesse for en større kreds.
Den første søger spllere til en turnerng i Tjekkiet:
Dear chess friend,
we are looking for last several players rated 2150+ without IM title to our three IM round-robin tournaments (FIDE category 4) which will take place at 1.-9.8.2001 in Olomouc (Czech Republic).
We are preferably looking for players with international title like FM, WFM, WIM, WGM, HM, FIDE Candidate Player.
If you (or some your friends and clubmates) are interested in start let me contact by e-mail as soon as possible.
For further information you can visit website of this tournament where you can find also information about FIDE open we organize within our festival. Follow this link:
With best regards,
Jakub Fuksik
Agentura 64----------
Den anden mail beder Dansk Skak Union udlevere information om sine medlemmer. Men en sådan information er det kun den enkelte, der kan give. Spillere, der føler sig kaldet til det, kan altså skrive direkte til Chess Informant, email: sahovski@sezampro.yu
Dear Sirs,
For more than 35 years, in co-operation with many renowned chess players, Chess Informant has been contributing to the development of the chess worldwide.
In accordance with that, Chess Informant has recently published "Chess is Chess" CD in which, besides the very rich content, significant information about the most eminent players of the game are given too.
On this occasion we would like to invite you kindly to provide us with the list of names and e-mail addresses of your distinguished chess players with GM, IM and FM titles. Thus we will be able to establish direct contact with basic intention to have some of them included in the next release of our CD. For that purpose their photographs and biographies will be needed. Asking their co-operation for work on other Chess Informant publications in areas of their own expertise is the subject as well important.
Thanking you in advance for understanding and support
With kindest regards,
Chess Informant
GM Aleksandar Matanovic
----------------22/7-2001 - tr
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