Oversætter til Compochess
Hi Danish Chessfriends.
I'm Marco from Verona, Italy.
I want translate a simple menu text for Compochess ( a very nice free Chess/database program ).
I have a simple .txt file in English or in Italian needed to run the navigation internal menu( a 150 line of very simple text ).
Who help me ? I have not knowledge of Danish language!!
Then we can make avaiable the program for all Danish Chessfriends.
This program can be used for manage pgn archive, for blind chess, traditional and "Fischer" chess.
I still help the creator, Uwe Auerswald, to localizate the program in all possible language.
The program is absolutely free, and , I repeat, very nice.
It'is an alternative (very cheap but very good) to ChessBase-similar product.
If you want see Compochess look at http://www.mailchess.de/pgntojse.htmlPlease post me an answer to valpochess@tiscalinet.it
-----------3/11-2000 - tr
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